Terms and conditions


SORTU SOLUTIONS, S.A. DE C.V. (hereinafter "DASSA SOLUTIONS"), located at Calle la Mascota #533, Colonia San Benito, San Salvador, provides its visitors, clients, and/or contractors (hereinafter the “User(s)”) with these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the “Terms”), which govern the use of the DASSA SOLUTIONS website. Any transaction made through this Website will be subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein.

DASSA SOLUTIONS may modify the content of the Website at any time and does not commit to updating it at any specific time. Users have the option to review, verify, or confirm any information contained on the Website using the contact details provided for this purpose.


By accessing the domain dassa-solutions.com (hereinafter the “Website”), the User consents to and agrees to comply with all provisions of these Terms.

The User declares that they are over 18 (eighteen) years of age and have the legal capacity to assume rights and obligations; if not, the User must refrain from using the Website, either directly or indirectly, as well as from using any information or services presented here.

The Terms and Conditions of the Website are intended to regulate the use of the website and other online services offered by DASSA SOLUTIONS, so it is crucial for the User to understand that these Conditions do not alter the terms and conditions of any other agreement that may be in place with DASSA SOLUTIONS.


The User acknowledges that by entering the Website, they agree with the content of the terms and conditions set forth here, as well as with any updates made by DASSA SOLUTIONS.

The User recognizes that, due to the technological nature of the Website, it will be subject to changes according to trends and innovations available and in compliance with current regulations. 

The User agrees that by using any tool on the DASSA SOLUTIONS website, they are expressing their free and voluntary consent regarding this legal instrument, equating it to signing a contract with their handwritten signature.


The use of the Website is exclusively for the User to personally review information related to the Products and/or Services that DASSA SOLUTIONS offers for sale through it. Therefore, no other use of the Website is permitted; thus, copying, forwarding, reproducing, reusing, selling, transmitting, distributing, downloading, licensing, modifying, publishing, or otherwise using the content of the Website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited. In no case shall it be understood or interpreted as granting any concession or license concerning any intellectual property rights. Linking to or referencing the Website is not permitted unless expressly authorized in writing by DASSA SOLUTIONS.


Each time the User uses the Website, they agree to:

  • Use the site in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set forth here and with the Terms of Use available on the site;
  • Conduct legitimate transactions, whether on their own behalf or as legally authorized representatives;
  • Assume responsibility for all charges, fees, and taxes associated with the transactions made;
  • Provide truthful, accurate, and legally valid information required to complete the purchase or sale of the products offered here;
  • Not access third-party information through this site;
  • Not allow unauthorized third parties to conduct transactions through the site without consent; and
  • Not impersonate another person or entity, nor use or provide a false email address or one that is not theirs.


All Services contracted by the User through this Website will be governed by these Terms and Conditions and applicable legal provisions. 

DASSA SOLUTIONS sells its Services through the Website, and the features of each will be described on the Website. DASSA SOLUTIONS is obligated to perform the Services as expressed in the content of this Website.

The prices of each Service offered will be published on the Website; such prices will be clearly identifiable and attributable to each Service in question. 


Payment on the Website

To complete a transaction through this Website, the User must have a credit or debit card issued by a legally constituted banking institution, or one of the payment methods available at DASSA SOLUTIONS, and authorize the charge related to the contracted Services.

The transaction is managed by an Authorized Payment Processing Provider, so DASSA SOLUTIONS does not store, process, or transmit Client banking data.

The currency used for transactions through this Website will be the US dollar, the legal currency of the United States of America.


The contents of the Website, such as text, information, graphics, images, logos, trademarks, computer programs, databases, designs, APIs, functional architecture, and any other material (hereinafter, the “Content”), are protected by applicable industrial property laws, whether registered or not, in the country or abroad. All Content is the property of DASSA SOLUTIONS and/or any other affiliated, subsidiary, branch, agency, representative, controlling, controlled, related company, and any natural or legal person that may be related to DASSA SOLUTIONS and its content.

The compilation, interconnection, operation, and arrangement of the contents of this Website are the exclusive property of DASSA SOLUTIONS and/or its affiliated companies. The User is authorized to browse and view the elements of the website for personal and non-commercial use, refraining from any acts of decompiling, reverse engineering, modifying, disclosing, or supplying the Content. Unauthorized use, adaptation, reproduction, and/or commercialization of the Content may be subject to penalties under current legislation.


DASSA SOLUTIONS and the User will maintain confidentiality regarding information provided in or for the execution of the Services or that, by its nature, should be treated as such, and commit not to use it for their own benefit or that of third parties. Information that is public domain, disclosed by DASSA SOLUTIONS or the User, or required to be disclosed under the law or a court order or competent authority act, will not be considered Confidential Information.

If the provision of Services requires access to personal data, the parties will comply with the Privacy Policies established in the Notice available on the DASSA SOLUTIONS Website.

DASSA SOLUTIONS will not be liable for damages incurred by the User or claims made by a third party when the User is directly responsible for errors arising from lack of diligence in handling information about any Service.

Additionally, the obligations established for DASSA SOLUTIONS and for the User will also be mandatory for their potential employees, collaborators, both external and internal, and subcontractors. Notwithstanding the above, and considering the nature of this contract, the User consents and authorizes DASSA SOLUTIONS to share necessary information with third-party providers to deliver the contracted service.


The User agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless DASSA SOLUTIONS, its independent contractors, service providers, and consultants, and their respective directors, employees, and agents, from and against any claims, damages, costs, liabilities, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees) arising from or related to: (a) their use of the Services, (b) any User Content or comments they provide, (c) their violation of these Terms, (d) their violation of any other party’s rights, or (e) their conduct in connection with the Services.


The User declares and accepts that the use of the Services is at their sole and exclusive risk. DASSA SOLUTIONS reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate the Service at its sole discretion. DASSA SOLUTIONS assumes no responsibility for the operation of the website used by the User to access the Service, nor for those related to or caused by third-party service providers and/or any other services provided by persons other than DASSA SOLUTIONS.

In no event shall DASSA SOLUTIONS, its directors, employees, or agents be liable for direct damages, losses, or any other type of damage that arises from or is in any way related to the use or inability to use the website, DASSA SOLUTIONS materials, the content, or the materials contained in or accessed through the Services, including but not limited to damages caused by errors, omissions, interruptions, file or email deletion, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission, or any failure of performance, whether due to natural disasters, communication failures, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to records, programs, or services.

Additionally, in no case shall DASSA SOLUTIONS' total liability, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, or otherwise, arising from or related to the use or inability to use the services, exceed any compensation paid to DASSA SOLUTIONS for access to or use of the Services.


Notwithstanding the Terms and Conditions, the User agrees that DASSA SOLUTIONS reserves the right, without prior notice and at its discretion, to deny, terminate, or unilaterally suspend the Service. The User accepts that an electronic notice from DASSA SOLUTIONS indicating non-compliance with the requirements set forth herein is sufficient to trigger this provision. Any Service may be suspended if there is suspicion of involvement in illegal operations or behaviors, or violations of these Conditions.


DASSA SOLUTIONS may terminate these Terms and Conditions with the User in the event of non-compliance with any of the obligations established herein. DASSA SOLUTIONS will be entitled to compensation for damages caused, and it will be sufficient for DASSA SOLUTIONS to notify the User by email regarding the claim for damages caused. In case of non-compliance with the obligations established, a unilateral email notification to the User will suffice. The User agrees that DASSA SOLUTIONS may seek compensation for damages caused and any other balance, commission, or penalty.


DASSA SOLUTIONS is committed to complying with applicable data protection legislation. The personal data provided by Users will be processed in accordance with DASSA SOLUTIONS' Privacy Notice, which is available on this Website. Users consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with this notice.


The User agrees that all communications, notifications, agreements, and other information provided electronically (e.g., by email or text message) by DASSA SOLUTIONS satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. The User acknowledges that electronic communications have the same validity as paper communications and will be considered received at the time of sending.


If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable by a competent court, such provision will be considered separate from the rest of the document and will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions. The remaining provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 


For questions and comments about the Services or these Terms and Conditions, please contact DASSA SOLUTIONS by email at: atencion@dassa-solutions.com.

The User declares that they have read, understood, and accepted these Terms and Conditions. This document constitutes a formal agreement between the User and DASSA SOLUTIONS. By accepting the Terms and Conditions set forth herein, the User agrees to comply with all provisions contained in this agreement.
